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Chelsea Odell

Security Consultant – Risk, Security and Privacy

How long have you been an Onliner?

10 years.

What is your professional experience? 

My background is in application development with a focus on the front-end and UX. I recently moved into Online’s Risk, Security and Privacy practice where my primary focus is penetration testing.

What is your main area of expertise?

My main area of expertise is application-based penetration testing.

What education do you have? What certifications do you hold?

  • Sc. (Computer Science with Co-operative Option)
  • Graphic Communications Certificate
  • Oracle Certified Professional Java Developer
  • Currently working toward Offensive Security Certified Professional

What made you want to work at Online?

I wanted to work for a company where you were more than a number, somewhere where you could build a relationship with the company whilst being able to work on different kinds of projects for different clients.

Why do clients love Online?

I think clients can see how much Onliners care about their projects and their success. Onliners work hard to provide amazing value to the client at all times, it’s not just about punching the clock.

Do you play an instrument?

Yes, as a child I played piano and I recently started violin lessons, but my favorite instrument is my voice. 

What is your favorite quote?

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” –Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

What will we typically find you doing if you’re not working?

Typically? A combination of spending time with family (including the cat and dog) and friends, attending classes (fitness and violin), and other such randomness.